Saturday, 8 June 2013

Handmade by ST's Second Kid's Quilling Class Project. 8/6/2013

Today, we had the honour of hosting a class for a family. As usual, the class was dragged to another 30 mins overtime. But it was worth it as the kids had so much fun and the mothers too. All I can say was that it was such a great time spent, to bond with the kids. This is something that they can still continue to do at home, spending quality time at home without the modern day gadgets.

My 4 Students... Brilliant work!


Thank you for the wonderful time. I really had fun teaching you all.



  1. We're always looking for different and creative ways to spend time with the kids and as a family. We were thoroughly impressed with how you conducted your class. While maintaining utmost professionalism, you managed to teach a great deal in such a short time, inspire your students and most importantly, provided a truly fun experience for all. Thank you Terri for sharing your amazing gift with such love and generosity.

    1. Shalayne, it is my honour to share with you and your lovely family. Do continue and post all the creations on crafters circle. Look forward to our intermediate class with our beloved Sensei.
